
A flower plinth made of sugar

The plinth forms the border between wall and floor, and in so doing, gets its final form within the context of the display area.

In a group-exhibition in W139 the plinth was used to frame the work of the other participants. The plinth was displayed one more time, in a small room, but this time with a gradation from light to bold pink. The viewer stands in a three-dimensional still life, and is as it were, a witness to the blossoming over time.

In the seventieth century, flower still lifes were not only considered decoration , but also as a means of reflection and repentance. These were images of the glorious diversity of nature or the reminiscence of mortality, a memento mori.
The viewer can also gaze back to trace the process. Memento mori, but also: lust for life.

Border, a sugar flower plinth
Border, a sugar flower plinth
Border, a sugar flower plinth
Border, a sugar flower plinth
Border, a sugar flower plinth